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protect our homes and defend our country中文是什么意思

用"protect our homes and defend our country"造句"protect our homes and defend our country"怎么读"protect our homes and defend our country" in a sentence


  • 保家卫国


  • What present young people knew are all samsung s electric apparatuses , the drama of s . korean image fashionable for a time ; the older generation s chinese oppose u . s . a . and aid in history of protecting our homes and defend our country and urge the flower - girls under the tears of people to remember clearly
  • What present young people knew are all samsung s electric apparatuses , the drama of s . korean image fashionable for a time ; the older generation s chinese oppose u . s . a . and aid in history of protecting our homes and defend our country and urge the flower - girls under the tears of people to remember clearly
  • The basic point of china s policy lies in guaranteeing the stability and development of newly formed new china , but in forced cases , do not hesitate to resort to arms with the no . 1 powerful country of the world with the dauntless revolutionary spirit , " resist u . s . aggression and aid korea and protect our homes and defend our country "
    中国政策的基点在于保证刚刚成立的新中国的稳定和发展,但在迫不得已的情况下,以大无畏的革命气概不惜与世界头号强国兵戎相见, “抗美援朝,保家卫国” 。
用"protect our homes and defend our country"造句  
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